I wrote, directed and produced my first short in 2001. Ever since, I fell in love with the process of utilizing film as an artistic medium. Over the last two decades I have created dozens of short films and one feature, Shadows (2008), which won Best in Show at a regional film festival. Below is a curated list of some of my more recent work.
The Forest - Short Film
In 2021, I wrote a children's book called the The Forest. The story is about a young boy, who is given the unique opportunity to see his future. I felt the story was cinematic enough to be turned into a short. Over the next eight months, I wrote the script, recruited the cast, directed, produced and edited the film. To date, I feel it is one of my strongest works and represents the power of short-form storytelling.
And... - Documentary Short Film
When I left the pastorate in August 2023, I spent the summer creating a short film where I tried to capture the story of the last ten years. It’s part documentary, part art piece. I interviewed numerous members of my church for their perspective on our community. I end with a poem I wrote about the future of the church called And...
Restorative Beauty - Book Trailer
In 2023, I released my latest book, Restorative Beauty, I created a trailer to promote the launch. What I love about the notion of creating a video trailer for a book is the blending of two mediums: reading and film. The DP was my good friend Quincy Worthington. I directed and edited the piece. This trailer is an excellent example of how modern film combined with graphic FX can vividly bring stories to life.
Invisible Shield - Short Film
For my Easter sermon (2023), I took a story from NPR's Unsung Heroes told by Todd Kashdan and turned it into a short film. Although it's only one small part of the sermon, it is the core of the overall message. Katie Walsh provided the actors who were students in the Rolling Meadows High School drama department. Michael Wheatley gave me access to his middle school. Steve Drey was assistant DP and Quincy Worthington created the drone shots.
On Children - Short Film
In 2021, I created this is short film based on the poem On Children by Khalil Gibran. Perhaps one of Gibran's most celebrated poems from his book The Prophet, Gibran paints a beautiful portrait of the relationship between parents and their children. I felt the combination of a narrative story combined with older footage of my sons' growing up was an apt metaphor for capturing Gibran's profound sentiments.
Restorative Faith Season 3
Podcast Trailer
In 2022, I released the third season of the Restorative Faith Podcast. Due to COVID, I conducted most of my interviews online and, therefore, they were video recorded. This created a unique opportunity to create a trailer that combines mediums. Podcasts are mostly heard rather than seen. The assistant DP was Steve Drey. I wrote, directed, edited and produced the trailer. The painter is the very talented Dionne Victoria.
Timeless - Short Film
In 2015, I asked my congregation to submit their most treasured photograph with an explanation of the context behind the photo. I wrote a script expounding upon how photography has the ability to capture the beauty of the world in unique and fascinating ways. The film is built around these photographs and their stories. The original musical score was composed by Adam Hendrickson.
Shadows - Theatrical Trailer
In 2008, I released my first feature film Shadows. The movie follows Cooper (Daniel Martin), a drug dealer, who finds a laptop left aboard a commuter train. Cooper quickly becomes obsessed with the family pictures on the computer and finds himself intertwined with their lives. Winner of Best in Show at the 2009 Rappahannock Independent Film Festival, you can watch the entire film here.